Instructions to Authors

Tabulated Format


Research Original Research Abstract,   Introduction/Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion,   Acknowledgments, Competing Interest, Authors' contributions, What is already   known on this topic?, What this study adds, Tables and Figures, References 3500   (excluding abstract, references, legends, tables and figures) STRUCTURED 250 Maximum of 50 Up to 4 tables and/ or figures
Outbreak Investigation report Report   of recently conducted outbreak response Same format as research article A   maximum of 2,000 words in the main text (i.e. excluding abstract, references   and legends) STRUCTURED 250 Maximum of 10 Up   to 2 tables and/ or figures
Review Analysis of existing   literature Abstract,   Introduction, Methods, Current status of knowledge, Conclusion, What is   already known on this topic?, What this study adds, Competing interests,   Authors' Contributions, Acknowledgments, Tables and figures, References A   maximum of 5,000 words in the main text (i.e. excluding abstract, references   and legends) UNSTRUCTURED 250 Maximum of 100 Up to 5 tables and/ or figures
Letter to the   Editor A   brief comment on the findings of articles published in JIEPH or any other   notable public health advances Abstract,   To the editors of the Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public   Health, Conclusion, Competing Interests, Authors' Contributions,   Acknowledgments, Tables and figures, References A   maximum of 800 words in the main text (i.e. excluding abstract, references   and acknowledgments) UNSTRUCTURED 250 Maximum of 10 No   more than 1 table and/or 1 figure
Commentary A   response to the findings of an article published in JIEPH Commentary,   Tables and figures, Competing Interests, References 2,500 words in the   main text N/A 120 Maximum of 10 Up   to 2 tables and/or figures
Brief A   report of preliminary or novel findings Abstract,   Brief, Competing interests, Authors’ contributions, Acknowledgments (if any),   Tables and figures, References 800 words in the main   text STRUCTURED 80 Maximum of 15 No more than 1 table   and/or 1 figure
Editorial An   article written by or on behalf of the editors that gives an opinion on a   topical issue. Editorials are usually solicited. Contact the editorial office   if you wish to submit an editorial to the journal. Editorial,   Competing Interests, References 2,000 words in the   main text N/A 300 Maximum of 10 No more than 1 table   and/or 1 figure
Opinion A short article providing the personal   opinion of the author on a subject of public health interest. Opinion,   Competing Interests, References 2,000 words in the   main text N/A 300 Maximum of 5 No more than 1 table   and/or 1 figure
Perspective An   essay on a topic of interest to the JIEPH readership that highlights the   policy implications of public health research Perspective,   Competing Interests, Acknowledgments, References 2,000 words in the   main text N/A 300 Maximum of 30 No more than 1 table   and/or 1 figure
Lessons from the field Authors share first-hand knowledge and experience of implemented interventions in local settings and the results of these interventions The main text does not have to follow the Research article format A maximum of 3000 words in the main text UNSTRUCTURED 300 N/A N/A
Short article a succinct account of original research results with scientific merit but limited scope same format as full-length original papers (see above) A maximum of 1500 words in the main text (i.e. excluding abstract, references and legends) STRUCTURED 250 Maximum of 10 no more than two illustrations (tables or figures or one of each).
Meeting Reports Abstract (unstructured, 100 words maximum), Keywords, Main text (Not more than 2,000 words), Competing interests, Authors' contributions, Acknowledgements (if any), Tables and figures (if any), References The main text should not exceed 2,000 words UNSTRUCTURED 100 N/A N/A
Conference Proceedings Conference Organizers should contact the editorial office for details (See long format instructions for authors for details) (See long format instructions for authors for details) (See long format instructions for authors for details) (See long format instructions for authors for details) (See long format instructions for authors for details) (See long format instructions for authors for details)
Supplements Please contact the editorial office for details


Element Description
COVER PAGE a) The title of the paper (include the study design if appropriate; for example: A versus B in the treatment of C: a randomized controlled trial; X is a risk factor for Y: a case control study)
b) Authors names (full name – no qualification. Strictly follow this order: First Name, Middle name (if ever), Last Name. E.g.: Paul Kevin Akuna)
c) institution(s) of origin
d) Corresponding author plus his/her address, telephone and fax number, e-mail address
e) Word count (for both abstract and the main text)
The first letter of the first word in a heading should be capitalized.

Section Headings: Article sections like Abstract, Introduction and Methods, should be in bold, underlined and left aligned as in the example below

Sub-sections should be in bold and left aligned as in the example below

Statistical analysis
Headings under sub-sections should be in bold, italicized and left aligned as in the example below

Population Characteristics

Make headings are clearly indicated in the manuscript text by inserting one tab space before and after a heading
LAYOUT AND   SPACING Manuscript   text should be double-spaced (Line spacing: 2.0).
     Do not format text in multiple columns.
PAGE NUMBERS Number   each page in your manuscript.
LINE NUMBERS Use   continuous line numbers (do not restart the numbering on each page).
FOOTNOTES Footnotes   are not permitted. If your manuscript contains footnotes, move the   information into the main text or the reference list, depending on the   content.
LANGUAGE We currently accept submissions for our regular issue in English only. This is because we do not have the capacity to accept submissions in French and Portuguese except for supplements where the language is specified and resources are made available to assist in the processing of submissions in the aforementioned languages. We will announce on the website and update this section once we have the necessary capacity to receive submissions in French and Portuguese. .
ABBREVIATIONS Define   abbreviations upon first appearance in the text.
     Do not use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three   times in the text. List all non-standard abbreviations (with definitions) in   alphabetical order in a separate section at the beginning of the   manuscript.
     Keep abbreviations to a minimum.
REFERENCE   STYLE JIEPH   uses the National Library of Medicine style as outlined in Citing Medicine   2nd Edition.
     In-text citations: Mark in-text citations with brackets as in the example:   [1], [2-4], [5-7,9]
TABLES Append   tables at the end of your manuscript, after the reference section
     Each manuscript should have a maximum of three tables. If more tables are   required, include an explanation in your cover letter.
     Each table should fit on one page (portrait or landscape).
     Elements inside the table should be contained within cells.
FIGURES If   the figure is taken from another source, you must provide proof that you   obtained permission. If the figure contains the image of a patient, you must   submit proof of consentInclude a legend for your images inside the main text,   after the reference section
     Each figure should be uploaded as separate files during the manuscript   submission. Do not embed images within the main text.
     Major image formats are accepted excluding BMP. (JPEG, PNG, TIFF)
     Provide high resolution images, not tiny thumbnails. Image of poor quality   will be rejected.
     The size of the uploaded image is limited to 4 MB.
     Files must be named with the three letter file extension appropriate to the   file type (eg: .jpeg, .png). You will be asked to provide figure labels   during the submission process. (The label is the small comment that usually   goes with the figure. Example: Figure 1: Prevalence of diabetes in the study   population aged 18 years and above. Findings of the TRICARE Diabetes Study,   Uganda, 2006.)
     If you use excel to generate your graph, avoid 3D, crowded axes, colored   background, strong grid etc.. Use Calisto MT font (size 10 maximum) for all   items in your graphs (Title, legend, axes etc..). Expand your Excel graph to   obtain a large image, copy and paste it in Paint (Microsoft Paint), crop any   white border and save the image as PNG or JPEG. Submit this image for your   manuscript (don't forget to include the legends for each figure inside the   main manuscript)


ABSTRACT The   abstract of the manuscript should not exceed 250 words and must be structured   into separate sections: Background: the context and purpose of the study;   Methods: how the study was performed and statistical tests used; Results: the   main findings; Conclusion: brief summary and potential implications. Please   minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract.
KEYWORDS Keywords:   Up to ten keywords (suitable for Index Medicus listing) should be provided at   the end of the Abstract.
BACKGROUND/ INTRODUCTION The   background section should be written from the standpoint of researchers   without specialist knowledge in that area and must clearly state - and, if   helpful, illustrate - the background to the research and its aims. Reports of   clinical research should, where appropriate, include a summary of a search of   the literature to indicate why this study was necessary and what it aimed to   contribute to the field. The section should end with a very brief statement   of what is being reported in the article.
METHODS Sufficient   information should be given to permit repetition of the experimental work.   This should include the design of the study, the setting, the type of   participants or materials involved, a clear description of all interventions   and comparisons, and the type of analysis used, including a power calculation   if appropriate
RESULTS The   Results should be stated concisely without discussion and should not normally   contain any references. The same data should not be presented in figures and   tables. Do not repeat all the data that is set out in the tables or figures   in the text; emphasize or summarize only important observations.
DISCUSSION The   Discussion should deal with the interpretation of the results and not   recapitulate them. We encourage authors to write their Discussion in a   structured way, as follows:a) statement of principal findings; b) strengths   and weaknesses of the study; c) strengths and weaknesses in relation to other   studies; d) discussion of important differences in results; e) meaning of the   study; f) unanswered questions and future research.
CONCLUSION The   conclusion should provide a brief summary of the key findings, potential   implications and the way forward.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Please   acknowledge anyone who contributed towards the study by making substantial   contributions to conception, design, acquisition of data, or analysis and   interpretation of data, or who was involved in drafting the manuscript or   revising it critically for important intellectual content, but who does not   meet the criteria for authorship. Please also include their source(s) of   funding. Please also acknowledge anyone who contributed materials essential   for the study. The role of a medical writer must be included in the   acknowledgements section, including their source(s) of funding. Authors   should obtain permission to acknowledge from all those mentioned in the   Acknowledgements. Please list the source(s) of funding for the study, for   each author, and for the manuscript preparation in the acknowledgements   section. Authors must describe the role of the funding body, if any, in study   design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the   writing of the manuscript; and in the decision to submit the manuscript for   publication.
COMPETING   INTEREST Authors   are responsible for recognizing and disclosing conflicts of interest that   might bias their work. They should acknowledge in the manuscript all   financial support for the work and other personal connections. Authors are   required to complete a declaration of competing interests. All competing   interests that are declared will be listed at the end of published articles.   Where an author gives no competing interests, the listing will read 'The   author(s) declare that they have no competing interests'. When completing   your declaration, please consider the following questions:
     Financial competing interests: In the past five years have you received   reimbursements, fees, funding, or salary from an organization that may in any   way gain or lose financially from the publication of this manuscript, either   now or in the future? Is such an organization financing this manuscript   (including the article-processing charge)? If so, please specify.
     Do you hold any stocks or shares in an organization that may in any way   gain or lose financially from the publication of this manuscript, either now   or in the future? If so, please specify
     Do you hold or are you currently applying for any patents relating to the   content of the manuscript? Have you received reimbursements, fees, funding,   or salary from an organization that holds or has applied for patents relating   to the content of the manuscript? If so, please specify.
     Do you have any other financial competing interests? If so, please specify.
     Non-financial competing interests: Are there any non-financial competing   interests (political, personal, religious, ideological, academic,   intellectual, commercial or any other) to declare in relation to this   manuscript? If so, please specify.
     If you are unsure as to whether you, or one your co-authors, has a   competing interest please discuss it with the editorial office.
AUTHORS'   CONTRIBUTIONS In   order to give appropriate credit to each author of a paper, the individual   contributions of authors to the manuscript should be specified in this   section
REFERENCES References   must be numbered consecutively, in brackets (like this [1], or this [2,3] or   even this [4-7]), in the order in which they are cited in the text, followed   by any in tables or legends. Reference citations should not appear in titles   or headings. Each reference must have an individual reference number.   Preferably, limit the number of references to 50. If automatic numbering   systems are used, the reference numbers must be finalized and the   bibliography must be fully formatted before submission. We encourage authors   to use a recent version of EndNote (version 5 and above) or Reference Manager   when formatting their reference list, as this allows references to be   automatically extracted. Please take care to follow the reference style   precisely; references not in the correct style will lead the journal to   immediately decline the submission.
     We recommend the use of Zotero, a free and open source reference management   software which is a very good alternative to expensive software like Reference   Manager or EndNote.


Element Description
Registration FIRST   TIME AUTHOR: a)Register at b)Use the credentials to   log in c) Click on the "Submit a manuscript" button on the right   hand side of the screen
Cover Letter Explain   why the journal should consider your manuscript, declare any competing   interests and confirm that the manuscript is not currently being considered   for publication by any other journal.
Author   Details The names,   affiliations and email addresses of all the authors
File Format DOCx
Figure Format JPEG
Figure Permissions Please   send the editor proof of permission for any figures or images that you did   not create.


Element Description
JIEPH Reference Format National Library of Medicine (brackets, no et al) with DOIs where available
Journal Article Mathebula RC, Lerotholi M, Ajumobi OO, Makhupane T, Maile L, Kuonza LR. A cluster of paediatric hydrocephalus in Mohale’s Hoek district of Lesotho, 2013-2016. Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health [Internet]. 2018 Nov 13 [cited 2022 Oct 6];1(3).
Website JIEPH - Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health [Internet]. African Field Epidemiology Network; [cited 2022 Oct 6]. Available from:
Book JIEPH - Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health [Internet]. African Field Epidemiology Network; [cited 2022 Oct 6]. Available from:
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ICMJE Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest form

  • ICMJE Disclosure of Conflict of Interest Form
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    eISSN: 2664-2824